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Herbal and Traditional Plant Medicine Conference


If you are interested in traditional medicine, you can attend our 9th International Conference on Herbal and Traditional Plant Medicine on November 14–15, 2022 in one of the most popular cities in the field of herbalism, Tokyo, Japan.

You will be able to connect and reconnect with the experts and seniors in the field of herbal and traditional medicine and present your findings on many recent topics. Below you can find a few of our trending topics.

Traditional Plant Medicine Conference

One of the greatest Unani Tibb (medical) scholars, Ibn-e-Sina, also known as Avicenna, defined Unani medicine as "the science in which we understand various stages of the body in health and when not in health and the techniques by which health is likely to be lost and, when lost, is likely to be regained."

Traditional medicine known as Unani-Tibb or Unani medicine is used in the Middle East and South Asia. It refers to a school of Graeco-Arabic medicine that was founded by Arabian and Persian doctors such as Rhazes (al-Razi), Avicenna (Ibn-e-Sina), Al-Zahrawi, and Ibn Nafis in the middle ages and is based on the teachings of Greek physician Hippocrates and Roman physician Galen.

The origin of this herbo-animo-mineral mixture, which is roughly 90% herbal, 4% animal, and 5% mineral, may be traced back to Greece almost 2500 years ago. It is not only the original science of medicine but also a vast repository of medical ideas and philosophies that can be extremely beneficial to both science and medicine in general.

It is a whole medical system that carefully manages many health and illness states. It offers healthcare that is promotional, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative. The system's foundational ideas, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic approaches are based on rational scientific theories and holistic notions of health and healing. As a result, it places emphasis on the health of the body, mind, and soul and evaluates how an individual relates to his surroundings. Disease diagnosis and therapy place a high value on a patient's temperament, or "Mizaj." When determining the best food and lifestyle to promote a particular person's health, temperament is also taken into account. Despite ongoing disregard, this healing art is not only thriving but also supporting other medical systems.

All disorders affecting the body's systems and organs are treated by the Unani system of medicine. It has been discovered that therapies for chronic illnesses and diseases of the skin, liver, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems, and immunological and lifestyle problems are very successful and well tolerated. The Unani System of Medicine is distinguished by its use of elatives, exhilarants, aphrodisiacs, organ-specific tonics and immunomodulatory medications, temperament-specific drugs, correctives for unpleasant effects, coctives and purgatives, etc. Cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, aromatics, and related therapies play a significant role in the Unani System of Medicine treatment.

Traditional Siddha medicine has its roots in southern India. It is one of the oldest medicinal systems in India. In rural India, siddhars have historically acquired techniques through master-disciple partnerships in order to work as neighbourhood "healers." Siddhar practitioners believe that the five basic elements of earth, water, fire, air, and sky are found in food, the "humour" of the human body, and herbal, animal, or inorganic chemical compounds, such as sulphur and mercury, used as therapies for treating diseases. There are an estimated 400,000 traditional healers practising medicine in India, making up about 57% of rural medical care.

All disorders affecting the body's systems and organs are treated by the Unani system of medicine. It has been discovered that therapies for chronic illnesses and diseases of the skin, liver, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems, and immunological and lifestyle problems are very successful and well tolerated. The Unani System of Medicine is distinguished by its use of elatives, exhilarants, aphrodisiacs, organ-specific tonics and immunomodulatory medications, temperament-specific drugs, correctives for unpleasant effects, coctives and purgatives, etc. Cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, aromatics, and related therapies play a significant role in the Unani System of Medicine treatment.

Market Analysis

  • With the support of the Union government, the herbal medication sector is requesting that businesses with a revenue of at least Rs. 50 crore makes the World Health Organization's good manufacturing standards mandatory (GMP).

  • This is in light of worries that the bulk of Ayurvedic medication producers in the nation have poor product quality. According to government statistics, just about 30 businesses out of roughly 9,000 have production facilities that are WHO GMP certified.

  • About 500 Ayurvedic medicine producers in India each have yearly revenue of above Rs 50 crore.

  • The action aims to increase Indian herbal medicine exports. Ayush (Ayurveda, Unani, Sidhha, and Homeopathy) items were exported for $539.57 million in 2020–21 as opposed to $425.80 million the year before.

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